(347) 753-8577

Make a difference

Make a Difference

Get Involved Thank you for your interest in working with us. We are committed to helping teens and could not do it without our contributors, sponsors, partners and volunteers. If you would like to support us, there are a few ways to get involved.

Charitable Contributions/In Kind Support Join us in our efforts to make a difference by making a charitable contribution. You can donate funds to a specific event or make a general contribution. Are you unable to make a major monetary contribution? Infinity Love can always use donations in the form of merchandise. A few supplies that we could put to excellent use is Office/Meeting Space, Theater and sporting event tickets, color printer and or copier.

Corporate Gifts & Sponsorship If you are a small business, corporation community organization interested in sponsoring or partnering with us, please direct your inquiries to info@infinitylove.org. Infinity Love offers various tiers of sponsor recognition – all with marketing benefits -including recognition on our web site, Infinity Love Today (our newsletter), signage (at events), recognition by the emcee at events, and more.

Volunteering Involves Choosing to act in recognition of a need, with an attitude of social responsibility and without concern for monetary profit and / or someone who willingly gives unpaid help in the form of time, service or skills, through a group or organization.

It is because of volunteers, that Infinity Love is able to deliver the manpower needed to reach our communities, execute fundraisers and maintain an on-going presence in the Suffolk County and the surrounding borought areas. Our volunteers assist us in significantly impacting the lives of the people we touch.

INFINITY LOVE takes volunteering seriously and thus look for committed, focused, responsible individuals who are truly and sincerely looking to give of their time and gifts to touch the lives of others. We look for individuals who share in our vision of empowering youth of today to become leaders of tomorrow.

Infinity Love utilizes a small team of volunteers for our events and programs. When we need additional volunteers, we partner with community organizations, schools and churches. If you would like to express an interest in joining our team and learn more about volunteer opportunities, please complete the attached application and email it back to volunteer@infinitylove.org.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Written application including a current Resume
  • background checks and related checks
  • Character reference checks
  • A Face-to-face interview
  • Attendance at Orientation and Training
  • Time Commitment Schedule

Mentor/Monitor Qualifications:

  • High School graduates
  • Desire to work closely with teens in grades 8-10
  • Flexible schedule
  • Excellent Moral Character

Please note that background checks are a mandatory step in the volunteer application process. A complete submission then requires the following: a completed background check consent form, a $60 money order (made payable to INFINITY LOVE) and a completed volunteer application.